Monday, July 9, 2007

Rumor mill

Rumors continue to surface about Anderson Cooper and the CBS Nightly News, Katie Couric notwithstanding:
Will CBS ditch Couric for a more traditional anchor this fall? It could happen. Couric is planning to do more work for “60 Minutes,” which could mean she’s planning to spend less time on the “Evening News.”

If that happens, who would step into the seat once warmed by Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather?

CBS doesn’t have a Charlie Gibson waiting in the wings — a comfy, familiar presence who can slip right into the job virtually unnoticed. But it could tap Anderson Cooper, who (perhaps because of the gray hair and CNN resume) has a hard-news aura about him.

We here at unanchored don't claim to know Mr. Cooper, or be able to read his mind or anything of that nature, but just from things he has said in interviews or written, it's hard to believe he would find the job at all rewarding, except perhaps financially.